Al-Waleed bin Talal
Al-Waleed hit the headlines again (Reuters 28th)
with his initial investment of $10m in a flagship Palestinian
firm called Padico, the largest firm in the self-rule area,
spanning telecommunications to real-estate, industrial parks and
tourism and also manages the Palestinian stock exchange. On the
same day Reuters also reported that France's defence minister,
Alain Richard met Sultan for what was called a 'familiarisation
visit'. France is the kingdom's third largest arms supplier.
Reuters also said that Iran's outgoing President Akbar Hashemi
Rafsanjani would perform Umra later this year.
On the 22nd of July Reuters started off a topic
that it returned to on the 27th, water or lack of it
in the kingdom. It started on the 22nd with the
headlines, 'King says Saudi revising laws to curb water use'. The
article went on to say that Fahad had urged citizens to save
water and said his government was revising laws regulating water
consumption in the desert kingdom, according to Saudi newspapers.
The Arab News quoted the king as saying, 'It (curbing water use)
is a religious as well as a national and development duty. It
should be strictly followed especially in light of (the) future
water situation at (a) global level'. He said the government was
revising the systems and laws regulating water demand, 'to save
this vital resource and utilise it in an economic manner'.
The following Sunday (27/7/97) in a feature article, Hilary
Gush said that advertisements were being screened on Saudi TV as
part of a campaign launched in July to get the 18 million people
living in the desert state to cut profligate water use. King
Fahad is reportedly behind the drive and in late July he told
citizens that saving water was 'a religious as well as national
and development duty'. Economists and water experts said the
authorities had a tough task ahead. Water use per person in the
kingdom is said to be higher than in other countries at the same
stage along the development road. Some officials have put per
capita daily consumption at 400 litres (88 gallons), versus an
international average of about 200 litres.
But domestic users are not to blame for excess water use, as
they consume only 10% of total annual demand of around 18 billion
cubic metres. The main culprits are farmers. More than 80% of the
kingdom's water is non-renewable ground water. Around 14% is
surface and shallow ground water and 4% is desalinated in the 24
plants which Saudi Arabia says are the world's biggest. Less than
1% is reclaimed or treated water. Since the 1980s, Saudi Arabia
has not been growing many crops not suitable to its arid
conditions. In the early 1990s, Saudi Arabia was growing 4
million tonnes of wheat a year. This has fallen to about 1.3
million now, because of cuts in state grain prices. This,
however, has led ironically to higher output of some even more
water-intensive crops. 'Production of alfalfa. Which consumes
more water than wheat and barley has increased,' Hussein Mousa of
the US Agricultural Trade Office in Riyadh told Reuters. 'The
government is planning to reduce forage production because Saudi
Arabia is exporting a lot of alfalfa to neighbouring countries,
which is like exporting water,' he said.
'Many people who never receive water bills think that, because
it is free, we have plenty of it. If they are forced to pay a
realistic price they will quickly learn water's worth,' said an
The whole misuse of the natural water resources of the region
started at the whim of one of the royals who wanted to 'green-up'
the desert. Tonnes upon tonnes of the scarce supplies were raped
from the ground to irrigate the desert 'pastures'. The resultant
harvest was then proudly exported just as alfalfa is now. It is
more than reasonable to assume that the royal family uses more of
these precious reserves than the whole population of 18 million
does. Swimming pools in every palace, great expanses of lawn to
edify the bored princelings are common place. The king's island
in the sea off Jeddah, has to support a small forest. It will not
suffer the restrictions that will be placed upon the citizens. If
the royals were to lead the people in this 'religious as well as
national and development duty', a new era would have been
introduced but that is as likely as rain for a year!
The defendants in the British nurses trial received a fair
amount of coverage in the UK. The story was begun, once again by
Reuters who reported that Saleh al-Hejailan, the lawyer of the
two British nurses on trial for murder had told Reuters from his
hotel suite in London that the court would reconvene on Sunday
for an important session which could lead to the dismissal of the
case. 'The judges will either display new evidence we haven't yet
seen or submit the case to a higher judicial authority. Perhaps
the court will nullify the confessions', he said. The nurses have
already said that once the case has been concluded they will
bring suit against the American law firm of the Gilford family.
The Gilfords are represented by the 'International Law Firm'
(ILF) in Riyadh which is associated with an Ohio-based firm.
The Times (26/7/97) reported that the Foreign Office said it
was concerned about conditions at a Saudi Arabian prison where
the two nurses are being held in a communal cell. A spokesman
said that after reports described Dammam central prison as
primaeval, new efforts were being made to get the Saudis to move
the two.
The Independent, on the 28th, said that the ordeal
of the two nurses was prolonged still further when their trial
was adjourned for another two weeks on a technicality. The paper
quoted the Foreign Office as saying that neither the defendants
nor their families were allowed to attend the 20 minute hearing.
Sources close to the case had indicated that the hearing was
likely to produce a conclusive result. There was also speculation
that new evidence would be put forward which would further
diminish the case against the women. The case was delayed to
allow further examination of the legal position of the victim's
brother who has demanded the death penalty if the women are found
guilty. Reuters added that the Shari'a court had ruled earlier
that Frank Gilford, the victim's brother, could speak for the
family. The court had initially questioned whether the power of
attorney granted by the victim's mother to her son was valid. She
suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Al-Hujailan, the defendants'
lawyer said in a statement, that he had two weeks to bring
evidence of the mother's mental condition. Upon the demonstration
of the mental condition of the mother the court will probably
demand a guardian to be appointed by the Australian court. Frank
Gilford, the victim's brother, will not be considered in this
situation to become the guardian, the statement added. Kathy
Evans, writing in the Guardian added, 'Legal sources say that the
Saudi religious authorities were becoming increasingly reluctant
to cancel the confession statements. The nurses have contended
that the hand-written had been secured as a result of duress by
the local police and threats of sexual abuse. For a beheading to
be avoided, the Saudi authorities would have had to accept that
their own police had misbehaved with two British women during
The American media was full of the US State Department report
on religious freedom around the world. Secretary of State
Albright wrote an introduction to the report in which she said,
'Religious liberty is a fundamental source of our strength in the
world. We simply could not lead without it. We would be naïve to
think that we could advance our interests without it'. The 22nd
and the 23rd was a field day for people (Americans)
who were interested in how Christians were treated in foreign
countries. Although the American press didn't report that in
Israel, Jehovah's Witnesses had been harassed and attacked (The
Times-23/7/97) it did report (The Washington Post-23/7/97) that,
'Adding freedom of religion to the list of criteria by which it
weighs relations with other countries, the State Department
strongly criticised Saudi Arabia and several other nations for
restrictions on worship, church membership and religious
education'. The report said that Saudi Arabia, a key ally of the
US, was the only nation out of 78 entries where 'religious
freedom does not exist'.
The question that raises its ugly head is how Secretary
Albright can say on the one hand that, 'Religious liberty is a
fundamental source of our strength in the world. We simply could
not lead without it. We would be naïve to think that we could
advance our interests without it'. And on the other that Saudi
Arabia is a key ally even though US officials have regularly
protested against the nation's religious policy.
To finish this short summary a small item from the 22nd
must be reported. Reuters (22nd) ran copy about a
Ministry of Information statement. The article said, "Saudi
Arabia is urging citizens to ensure women do not leave their
homes without being veiled and 'properly covered', according to
the Saudi Gazette. A Ministry of Information statement carried by
the paper said, 'religious scholars and educated people should
organise lectures and meetings to point out the negative effects
of allowing women to go to the market or roam about without being
properly covered'."

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers