Saudi Regime and Aliens
On Wednesday Reuters ran a short article about Saudi Arabia's
plan to expel 'illegal' aliens. The report said that, "
Saudi Arabia is determined to drive up to 100,000 illegal aliens
-- mainly Asians -- out of the kingdom, the official Saudi Press
Agency (SPA) said. In a report on Tuesday night, it quoted an
interior ministry statement warning those helping or sheltering
illegal aliens of jail terms of up to six months and a 100,000
Riyals ($26,700) fine. 'The (interior ministry) source asserts
the primary role of citizens and their responsibility in
(helping) implement penalties against over-stayers and those
residing in the land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia illegally,'
the statement said. 'The kingdom prohibits sheltering
over-stayers, concealing or rendering any assistance that would
contribute to their illegal stay,' it said.
The statement said
the penalties applied to individuals who fail to report illegal
aliens, companies employing them and landlords sheltering them.
In July the labour ministry granted an amnesty to foreigners who
entered Saudi Arabia on a visit or to perform the Moslem Hajj
pilgrimage, but stayed longer than visas permitted. It said up to
100,000 people, mainly Asians, were in the country illegally. The
campaign is designed to help solve current labour problems, in
line with the country's commitment to provide jobs for an extra
659,900 Saudis by the year 2000. Foreigners make up one-third of
Saudi Arabia's estimated 18 million population. In 1995 more than
100,000 illegal foreign workers left the country after
authorities gave them a month to leave or face punishment".
We would like to point out that the article may be just a short statement in the
press but it is a major, ruthless operation in the field.
Hundreds of houses are raided in the middle of the night without
any court order or warrant. The police are given Carte Blanche
to net as many 'illegals' as possible. They are then crammed
into detention centres and then eventually deported without being
given any chance of redress or appeal let alone see a brief. What
is worse is that the Saudi media glamourises the whole affair,
telling the people that this is a worthy thing that they do to
protect the country.
The fact remains that these 'illegal' aliens
are treated worse than cattle because they are seen, by the
government, as a malignant tumour. Thousands of aliens are
brought in by princes who have sold them visas. They then find
themselves out on the streets to fend for themselves without a
job and eventually 'illegal'. It takes them many months to be
able to save enough to afford a ticket home.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers