It's always a fact that every year when Forbes Magazine lists the world richest people an Arab must hit the top charts! This year, Alwaleed bin Talal bin abdelaziz joined Bill Gates and Michael Dell to top the 1999 list of the worlds most wealthy people. We all know Bill Gates owns Microsoft that invented Windows, the operating system for almost all PCs in the world, and Michael Dell owns Dell Computer that builds the famous Dell workstations. But what does Alwaleed bin Saud have? What does he do or sell that made him such a Billionaire?
Alwaleed has no products to sell! Of course, are you kidding! His money belongs to the people of Saudi Arabia. Him and his filthy-rich royal family are robbing the wealth of Arabia and building their own wealth on the accounts of the poor. Saudis are starving to death in East Arabia, and yet we have a prince who has built a recent palace with more than 317 rooms, 520 televisions, 400 telephones, 8 elevators, a staff of 180 servants who take care of the prince, his 2 children and his new wife.....Alwaleed said to Forbes magazine and I quote: " I live happily, for sure and I love it." Billions of dollars are invested in the West, all from the land of Arabia which is treated as a personal belonging to the Saud House.
Who is this guy? He's a nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Fahd; he was raised in Beirut by his Lebanese mother, and educated at Menlo College in northern California. Alwaleed says he made his first big money in land speculation and the contracting business in Saudi Arabia.
When he's on the road, a communications team arrives at each location to set up a private phone network, as well as a satellite link to keep Alwaleed in touch with his office in Riyadh and his far-flung holdings. He spends four hours a day just reading reports and newspapers. In St. Moritz, whether skiing or dining at the Chantarella restaurant overlooking the Alps, he always has a cell phone within reach.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers