Bandar and his weird request for the US
The post drama that unfolded in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia,
in the aftermath of a devastating bomb that killed 19 innocent young is
worthy of a discussion group and the attention of all those who follow
Saudi Arabia.
When recently, Bandar reported on Saudi television that the internal
security of Saudi Arabia was a Saudi matter, he forgot completely that
his security would not exist had not the U.S. come to his rescue in the
Gulf War. That was the American gift to the Saudi people.
It seems that there have been two attempts by top U.S. officers stationed
in Saudi Arabia to increase security in order to protect their troops and
those two requests have been denied.This is Bandar's July 4 gift to
the American people.
When the F.B.I tried to conduct its own investigation of the four suspects
that planted a bomb in November that also killed four Americans and that
subsequently were beheaded after being paraded on Saudi televisions, the
Sauids refused access to the F.B.I. This is Bandar's July 4 gift to
the American people.
On this usually happy occasion of Independence Day, America has to be
sad. Sad that after all it has done and is doing to protect U.S. and Saudi
interests, the U.S. is being led into a trap of deceit by King Fahd and
his family. We gave Saudi Arabia security, stability, order, and our best
to build that country. In return Saudi Arabia has given us a corrupt King,
a sleazy family, and internal policies that are killing Americans in cowardly
terrorist activities. Yet, we still support that family because the U.S.
is an ally and a friend. The U.S. stands by its friends in the Middle East
as it tries to rebuild and landscape a new scene based on peace and cooperation.
Bandar bin Sultan asked the United States to protect Saudi Arabia but
without showing they are protecting the country. The Saudi authorities
asked the U.S. military to paint their tanks and jet fighters with Saudi
colors and man them with U.S. personnel in order to avoid looking like
the U.S. is in fact protecting the country. This request made someone flip
at the Pentagon. The Pentagon was so angry with this request that they
ahve refused even to respond to it. Bandar imagines that coloring U.S made,
owned, and operated tanks with the Saudi flag and colors will keep fundamentalism
away. He is willing to put the lives of U.S. soldiers at risk just to protect
their staying in power and looting the country. This kind of exchange between
two friendly nations makes you think about how the Saudis relate to their
protectors and friends : Like slaves that can be bought with cheap oil..
Even though our administration stand by the corrupt royal family in
Riyadh, the U.S. and world public need not to stand by this family. The
stakes are high for oil is a source of modern life, but the stakes are
higher if we let this family continue to rule because we are compromising
tomorrow's values over today's economics. Common sense tells us that the
world can no longer accept a family that is accountable to no one in a
country rich with resources. Common sense tells us that total lack of freedom
of expression died when communism fell. Common sense tells us that corruption
is a crime against humanity.

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