Al-MAJLIS according to
the world of al-Saud House
A Majlis in Saudi Arabia is the "democraticization"
of the government. Al-Saud claim that their country is a democracy because
of their use of the Majlis. The Majlis works like this : There is always
a prince at the Majlis and he is always an al-Saud. People flock in stroves
and meet in an informal way and petition the prince to solve their problems.
Depending where one lives in Saudi Arabia, a Majlis like a court room is
held with the prince that governs that area. This public display of democracy
is not so democratic. The princes in question have not had any formal training
to judge or apply any of the laws that exist in Saudi Arabia.
We have three different transcripts of a Majlis
with three different nationalities. When one looks at the results and outcome
of the prince's rule, one would see immediately how democracy is applied
today in Saudi Arabia through a system of injustices and based on a whimsical
approach and not applied rule of the law. These examples areexcerpts
from : "The Rise, Corruption, and Coming Fall of The House of Saud"
by Said K. Aburish. St. Martin's Press, New York (212) 387-9100
Presiding Prince : Salman
bin Abdul Aziz
Petitioner : 70 year old Saudi citizen
Petition : Seeking money and permission
to marry a 15 year old Egyptian girl.
Two Years later, [1988] in Riyadh, in the middle
of the country, a Lebanese journalist who is in the pay of the House of
Saud attended a majlis of Prince Salman, the Emir of Riyadh and head of
the House of Saud's family council. Initially, the journalist occupied
the seat of honour, to the right of the Prince, but continued to make way
for important people as they arrived and was soon at the other end of the
Diwan. Behind Prince Salman stood a tall black guard with a sword and a
gun. Following is the report of the journalist :
"Everything big and small is handled in a
majlis. Believe me, there was a blind man who was there to petition the
Prince to allow him to have a driver's licens. He was questioned in an
amusing way then dismissed. Some Bedouins spoke to the Prince and they
addressed him by his first name, the way Bedouins have called rulers since
the Prophet Mohammad. The House of Saud claim the majlis is their way of
staying in direct touch with the people, and in a way an open house serves
this purpose. But damn it, though Salman is probably the best among them,
the whole thing is arbitrary and some aspects of it are most unattractive.
Let me give you some examples.
"There was a seventy year old man, a man
from Riyadh. He had married a 15 year old girl in Cairo and, because marrying
foreigner needs specila permission, he wanted to bring his Egyptian bride
home. The old so-and-so turned out to be a regular at the majlis and it
led to an musing exchange between him and the Prince.
The Prince :"But, old man, are you able to
support your young bride ?"
The old man :"No, no, but I told her we have
a generous Prince and she'll never need as long as he's alive."
The Prince laughed :"How many times have
you been married ?
"A mere eleven, may you live long, but I
promise this will be the last time."
"But you have made this promise before ?"
"I do remember, Allah bless you, but I do
not think I can go beyond this beautiful thing."
Everybody laughed. The Prince issued an order
approving the marriage and granted the old man funds to bring his bride
Presiding Prince : Local Provincial Prince
Petitioner : General Manager of a Saudi
hotel on behalf of a foreign worker
Petition : Seeking to find the whereabouts
of the foreign worker
In 1986 the general manager of a major saudi hotel,
part of an international chain, went to see the local province prince regarding
one of his employees, a Filipino bellboy, who had been arrested by member
of CAVES (Committee for Advancement of Virtue and Elimination of Sin).
The manager entered the diwan and sat down until his turn to speak came.
He handed over a piece of paper containing his name and occupation and
a stetemnt about the case, but stood up and made an oral presentation which
elaborated the paper's contents. "May you live long, one of my employees,
a poor Filipino boy of 17, was arrested by members of the Mutawa [another
name for CAVES] three months ago for wearing indecent clothes. I do not
question their right or judgement, but my initial enquiries indicated that
he would be realesed in four weeks. My subsequent inquiries produced similar
promises, but nothing has happened. May you live long, I am here to enquire
about the boy's fate. And upon my honor, I'll see to it that the boy behaves
in accordance with the blesses laws of Islam in the future."
The man remained standing to hear the prince's
"What was the exact nature of his crime,
what kind of clothes did he wear ?"
"May you live long, he wore hsi shirt immodestly.
It was open in the front and exposed parts of his body it shouldn't have
and waering gold objects around his neck."
"Is he a good looking boy ?"
"he is not bad looking, sir."
"Then you'll never see him again."
The laughter was loud and long; the petitioner,
still standing, joined in to protect himself. The Prince, visibly enjoying
himself, spoke again.
"You need not bother about your employee.
Sooner or later they'll find him and send him home to his mother. There
is no question of returning to work. We cannot permit loose men like him
to infect our country with their ways."
The manager thanked the Prince and left. To this
day, he has no idea what happened to the boy. When not in Saudi Arabia,
the prince wears Wetsern clothes, frquents nightclubs to chase blondes
and drinks like a fish. In Saudi Arabia, he drinks in private and marries
Presiding Prince : Salman
bin Abdul Aziz
Petitioner : Korean and Filipino Workers
Petition : Seeking retribution for salaries
not paid.
... later, in the same majlis, there was a delegation
of Korean and Filipinos workers. They came to petition the Prince because
their Saudi employer hadn't paid their salaries for two months and they
didn't have money to eat. The Prince had heard about the case and he wasn't
amused. He asked the spokesemen for the delegation whether it was true
that they had demonstrated against their employer. When they admitted they
they had, he ordered them deported from the country. He saw their action
as a sdisturbance of the local peace which superseded the gravity of their
Presiding Prince : Salman
bin Abdul Aziz
Petitioner : American banker
Petition : Seeking justice in an car accident.
... 'Even later that day, an American banker appeared
in front of the Prince and his case showed how uneven the majlis's ways
can be. He had had an automobile accident with a Saudi in which the latter
died. "Unaccustomed to the ways a majlis works, the banker proceeded
to explain the accident; he blamed the Saudi driver and claimed that he
had no driver's license. The Prince moved his hand in a motion which asked
the American to stop and ordered him to pay a sum of money to the victim's
family. In the final analysis, the rights and wrongs of the case as we
understand them and they would have been judged by an insurance company
did'nt matter--what counted was the death of a Saudi driver.
"What is wrong with the majlis is beyond
the obvious and by that I mean the lack of pattern, precedence and the
competence of a prince. What is wrong with it is the freedom of the person
who renders judgement, that he is not bound by a recognizable law"
Lebanese journalist witnessing the above incident.

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