The US and Saudis after the bombing
The Saudi authorities and in specific, Prince Naef, the Minister of
Interior, has bulked at that request claiming, as did Bandar in Washington
on David Brinkley's ABC show, that the secuirty of Saudi Arabia is an internal
matter not to be interfered with. After some violent exchanges, FBI Director
FREEH flew to Saudi Arabia to appeal to King Fahd himself to allow the
FBI to interrogate and extradite the culprits.
King Fahd finds himself in a dilemma that larger than his mind is able
to resolve or comprehend. A promise to the United States means that he
is publicly betraying the Wahabbism sect which has kept him and his brothers
in power. The sect forbids the killing of a muslim if a muslim has killed
an atheist (i.e. non-muslim foreigners or non-muslim Americans). When Fahd
ordered the beheadings of the four Saudis who suppoosedly were responsible
for the first bomb in November 1995 that killed five Americans, he put
in question what Wahabbism allows or does not allow. A quick letter of
condemnation drafted by the saudi government against the four Saudis signed
by the top religious authority in Saudi Arabia, Sheikh el-Baz, put the
issue of killing muslims bu muslims for the killing of atheists in question.
The debate will continue. But if the new culprits are found and extradited
to the United States, there is no question whatsoever that no religious
Wahabbi leader will sign off on such a decision. Which is why Fahd,
after promising Freeh, has a dilemma on his hands. Does he deliver to his
friends the killers and assume a new rage of terrorism that could target
the family itself now ? or does he ignore US demands for local consumption
Bandar, prior to the meeting of Freeh with King Fahd, has advised His
Majesty to comply with whatever the Americans wanted. He also advised His
Majesty that promising and complying are two different things. Armed with
this argument, King Fahd gave Freeh what he wanted and the game started.
It is notable to say that the US media was ready to jump at Saudi Arabia
has the King faltered in giving his approval for the extradition of the
terrorists. The involvement of Bandar in this episode reminds us all of
how Saudi Arabia mislead the United States in 1988 when it bought Chinese
Ballistic missiles. They have succeeded then and they are succedding now.
What the FBI and the Saudi authorities are going through today is a
game that will long be remembered in the annals of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. A decision was made by Prince Naef, conceived by Bandar,
and supported by King Fahd, to derail the investigation by sending the
FBI on a false trail of leads. The first trick took the form of a white
Chevrolet Caprice that was supposedly the car used to escape after parking
the truck next to the building housing the US troops. For those of us who
know Saudi Arabia, there is a higher chance of finding a white Chevrolet
Caprice in Riyadh than it is to find the picture of King Fahd. It is the
most popular car and the most popular color. Going after a Chevrolet Caprice
that supposedly was stolen is a goose chase by the FBI plain and simple
conceived by the internal security of Saudi Arabia to avoid the capture
of the perpetrators.
There is no proof yet that the "Movement for Islamic Change"
truly exists. The second day after the bombing of TWA flight 800, CBS reported
that a fax to an Arabic speaking newspaper in Londonsentbythe"MovementforIslamicChange"
has predicted the bombing. The newspaper that received the fax is none
other than al-Hayat, owned and operated by Prince Khalid bin Sultan, the
great warrior who claimed he had as much to do with the liberation of Kuwait
during Desert Storm as General Norman Schwarzkopf. The second trick
has more to do with leading the F.B.I to a London based dissident group
than it is to finding the real culprits. It is notable to say that
the "Movement for Islamic Change" has in the past sent faxes
to media organizations threatening to do harm to US troops if they do not
leave Saudi Arabia by the end of June 1995. The first bomb took place in
November 1995. Is this new group the figment of imagination of Saudi Intelligence
Services ? a plant to get rid of CDLR once and for all ? or is it a real
group whose aim is to send the US packing out of Saudi Arabia ? Why, if
it is a legitimate group, it is not attempting to kill any memebrs of al-Saud
House ? That is a real question that, if answered correctly, may shed some
light on this movement.
(It is in the making and will to be disclosed later)
It is the prediction of the "Committee Against
Corruption in Saudi Arabia" that one day soon, the United
States and most of the world will wake up to the following news blip diffused
by the Saudi News Agency :
"Early this morning, the internal security of His Majesty King
Fahd attached to the Ministry of Interior, surrounded a house in the suburbs
of Riyadh to interrogate its occupants.Small arms fire erupted during the
standoff and our security forces returned the fire killing all occupants
in the house. While searching the premises, materials and leaflets were
found inside the house pointing to the culpability of the occupants in
carrying out the bombing of the US barracks in late June of 1996. The publication
and leaflets hav been distributed in the past by CDLR, an illegitimate
group based in London. All eight occupants died suffering from gunfire
Justice was accidentally delivered by the Saudi authorities calming
any fear of reprisals against al-Saud House because they delivered muslims
to the US. The US was short circuited with their effort to show-off that
they will punish terrorism. Life was back to the time just before the bombing
with two radical change : Al-Saud House, while in dire needs for the
US troops in Saudi Arabia, has successfully wigled out of the hole it found
itself in after the bombing and the US is on constant alert against terrorist
attacks decreasing the chances of terrorism.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers