Internet access in Saudi Arabia
Having given a minimum access to the Internet through a government installed
and operated hub, the next step was to install a system by which the government
can monitor every keyboard accessing the Internet. A British company called
JBB Consultancy Systems has already installed a monitoring and policing
system in Saudi Arabia that not only filters objectionable sites such as
CACSA's but also the system can do the following:"
The "Net
Map" system traces user patterns by identifying how often certain
sites on the World Wide Web are visited and by spotting information movement.
Through the use of a "collection" device attached to the main
telephone line and an alarm signal, the authorities can be alerted each
time "forbidden" information is called up. An alarm will go off
every time key words that are fed into the system are called up by subscribers
and the address of both the sender and the receiver will be recorded for
the use of the cyber police."
This is a system that only communist Russia would install. Saudi Arabia
is entering into the homes of people to know exactly what they are accessing
on the Internet and building a pattern with which they can continue total
control over people's lives. Imagine for a moment that you are being watched
when sitting behind the computer at home or work. What are the chances
that you will pull the US Declaration of Independence? or the history of
Christianity? or even the history of Islam seen through the eyes of a Shiia?
Any research you do can be used against you in the future by the police
state of Saudi Arabia. Any view of any document on the Internet can be
risky business. The chances are that you would save yourself and family
the trouble of this risk by simply not connecting to the Internet or not
having a computer.
So while the world moves forward, our government in Saudi Arabia is
doing its best to keep the public in the dark ages. Trying to monitor like
a police state reminiscient of the old Soviet Union is their answer to
the proliferation of the information age. How enterprising and innovative
al-Saud can be !!!

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