We have found that Washington set up offices to divert complaints from
US citizens who have children kidnapped by foreign ex-spouses, especially
by Saudi Arabian princes. We have been told by a reliable source at the
Justice Department, off the record, that these offices are set up to condition
the parents to lower their expectations of ever finding their children,
to keep secret the real numbers of complaints and to tell the police to
consider all kidnapping as local when in fact we know of US child sex slaves
in Saudi Arabia. Some of the male employees of these offices disillusioning
the parents of kidnapped children in such a disreputable fashion are said
to make $100,000 or more for "hardship pay". We were told that
the number of kidnapped and/or disappeared 12-15 year old girls is almost
epidemic but the Justice offices will not divulge any numbers of kidnapped
children. The politicians, yet again, turn a deaf ear and a blind eye for
fear of irritating the torture/slave lobbyists with their substantial campaign
contributions. Remember, the old Washington maxim is: "The one who
controls the investigation wins."

This is a small representation of a group of parent's who have had their
children kidnapped by former Saudi spouses and taken to Saudi Arabia. Recently,
they picketed in front of the Saudi Embassy in hopes their children would
be returned. Ambassador Prince Bandar's and his Washington retainers preclude
this from happening.
If there is one place one does not want to be in the animal kingdom its
between a mother and her babies. These mothers do not know that ethical
State Department careerists who would like to help them do not for fear
of jeopardizing their careers. State and Justice Department have a policy
of not aiding these mothers we believe partially based upon some careerists
fear of loosing their deferred payments promised them by the likes of Ambassador
Bandar bin Sultan. These mothers do not know that the State and Justice
Department created an office which has made it policy to teach parents of
kidnapped children to lower their expectations of finding them, presumably
for foreign policy expediency. We have been told by a reliable source within
the Justice Department that the number of disappeared girls between the
ages of 11 and 14 years old is drastically under counted for fear of causing
alarm among US parents. We do know these are the desirable ages for sex
slaves in Saudi Arabia. We do know that there are US sex slaves in Saudi
Arabia. We are in the process of obtaining the names and whereabouts of
these US children kidnapped to Saudi Arabia.
A US nationally syndicated television talk show recently had a guest
who was a teenage 'soap opera' actress. The Talk show host asked her the
most scary event in her life since becoming a child 'soap opera' star. She
told of receiving flowers from an unknown source for many days. After a
while she said; "some nice speaking Arab guys called and invited me
to a big party at a Miami penthouse. It was like a palace inside. There
were actresses and models everywhere. Outside on a balcony and inside rooms
were Arab men drugged out of their minds all over the place. They didn't
notice me. A Spanish-speaking cook took a few of us aside after we asked
him what was going on. He told us that the place was owned by a Saudi prince.
Then he told of how the prince's people slipped drugs into girls drinks
and then took them to a helicopter on the roof. He said he never saw any
of them again."N123 When no one was looking the cook used his service
key to let the girls take the private (locked) elevator downstairs, since
the princes men were guarding the front door. They ran from the building.
Later they called the police and told them all that had happened. When the
girls, their parents and the people the girls worked for tried to follow
up, they were told that no such matter had ever been reported. The actress,
her family and others plan to continue the fight but it may be already to
late for the girls are most probably sex slaves in Saudi Arabia. If they
go to Washington with the story they will be ignored. If the Saudi prince
had been caught he would most probably have joined other Saudi princes who
have received diplomatic or retroactive diplomatic immunity from the State
Department after committing crimes within the US. If the parents of the
kidnapped children have their Senator or Congressman write to the State
Department they will be told "the State Department can neither confirm
nor deny that the children are in Saudi Arabia. The parents may be best
able to pursue such matters through appropriate legal channels in Saudi
Arabia. If you would like a list of Saudi Arabian attorneys who might be
able to initiate appropriate judicial action, the State Department will
provide one". If the parents of the kidnapped children go to the Justice
Department they will be channeled to the missing children office where several
men receive "hardship pay" of $100,000 or more salary to condition
the parents to lower their expectations of ever finding their children and
that all kidnapping is local. Through his Washington retainers, Ambassador
Prince Bandar has been able to stifle any investigations of Saudi princes
committing crimes in the US, especially molesting and kidnapping of US children.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers