Washington continues to billet US military personnel in Saudi Arabia
despite the lack of OPEC influence on US oil needs. Crown Prince Abdullah
showed up in Washington as part of a world tour dubbed his "coming
out party". Oil purchasing countries were visited in an attempt to
increase Saud family market share of international oil sales. Ron Chernow
in a New York Times editorial reports: "In a world flooded with oil,
it [OPEC] has seemed to surrender its formidable powers to the marketplace.
... The great and most lasting threat to the cartel is the ... amazing ability
of technology to take a finite resource and convert it into something infinite.
The upshot of such innovation is that analysts have radically revised their
sense of the earth's oil-bearing potential. Supplies today are dictated
not by the amount discovered but by what can be profitably produced at a
given price. On September 25, 1998 a Saudi crown prince [Abdullah] presided
over a one-hour "tea party" to explore possible cooperation with
chief executives from seven American companies. ... Saudis have watched
jealously as Mexico and Venezuela have angled to supplant them as the foremost
supplier to the United States, the largest oil consumer. ... The Middle
East oil states would also like to profit from the new technologies patented
by American companies and to enlist their worldwide refining and marketing
apparatus to sell oil." P139 Abdullah and Ambassador Prince Bandar
begged for help from the large US based oil companies.
There are some who argue the Persian Gulf could be even more marginalized
if Washington turns increasingly to Venezuela and Mexico while denying the
Gulf countries access to the most advanced production technologies. The
Saud family are in a very shaky position since their dwindling oil royalties
coupled with their political instability are causing unrest among the population
they control. Could Bandar and Abdullah also be attempting to use political
clout of the major US oil companies to insure continued support Saud family
hegemony. If so, yet again, the US military garrisoned in Saudi Arabia could
become cannon fodder for Washington Saud family oil special interest groups.
UPI reports; "A lawsuit has been filed against a prince in the Saudi
Arabian royal family and a member of his entourage who allegedly attacked
a Dallas woman last week. The suit filed by attorney Windle Turley alleges
that 21-year-old Walleed Abjullah Jabar gouged out the right eye of 20-year
old Andrea Corvin, an employee of the Four Seasons Hotel where the royal
family was staying."P140 Apparently Whaleed and his friends forgot
they were not in Saudi Arabia where such attacks on US women by Saudi princes
are common and unpunished. When the US women in Saudi Arabia complain of
such abuses the State Department ignores them. What type of men would take
out the eye of a girl? We do not know if the State Department will give
Prince Jabar the usual retroactive diplomatic immunity. We do know that
Prince Tallal has a large interest in the Four Seasons Hotel chain.
Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz, half brother of King Fahd bin Abdulaziz,
has a dynamic 36 year old son named Prince Alwaleed Al Saud. August of 1995
Prince Alwaleed allegedly sent his Boeing 727 to fetch Michael Jackson for
lunch on his 283 foot Riviera yacht. Michael Jackson and King Fahd's nephew
Prince Waleed bin Talal recently had a news conference. They said they are
joining together to promote "family values". Michael Jackson said
their relationship was "a long-awaited dream come true". Jackson
said he had discovered during the course of his relationship with King Fahd's
nephew somebody who shared the same aspirations. The two posed for a photo
opportunity, declined to answer questions and then left together. Allegedly
their relationship was consummated when they found they shared the basic
instinct of caring for their fellow man. Khalid al-Monsour as advisor to
King Fahd's nephew said; "shared humanistic vision to promote cultural
diversity based on a philosophy of respect for family values" was what
brought them together. Their Kingdom of Entertainment joint venture will
allegedly promote "love and understanding between parents and their
children. We want to find useful ways to channel the energy of children"
-- said al-Mansour. Saud family Princes are known to take several wives.
Both Michael Jackson and King Fahd's nephew are known as successful business
persons. We wish them the best of luck.

Wall Street Journal reports; "Prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
had promised to provide almost $18 million toward construction of the Hotel
Aquamarina --- the prince signed a contract in which he agreed to contribute
$15.7 million to the project through the Saudi Group --- the prince never
followed through on promises to advance funds to enable construction to
begin. --- Prince Talal's attorney Fred Dutton of Washington, wasn't available
for comment."P141
The New York Times reports: " 'I know that people would like to
say that this Saudi prince is like all the others.' he (Prince Walid) said
bitterly - an apparent reference to the royal corruption that business people
and diplomats say is endemic in Saudi Arabia. Still, in a series of interviews,
Prince Walid acknowledges that one early source of his investment capital
was 'hundreds of millions of dollars' in 'commissions' paid by foreign and
Saudi businesses. Even last year, he acknowledged, such commissions accounted
for $40 million of his $500 million in income. The commissions are a form
of commercial lubricant common in the Middle East, as elsewhere. A company
that wants to win contracts in Saudi Arabia often hires a prince or other
prominent Saudi as an agent. While executives complain that they often see
very little work in return, they still pay - out of the perception that
it is difficult, if not impossible, to win lucrative contracts in Saudi
Arabia without a high-level connection. Prince Walid said the money paid
to him, at least, had always been hard-earned. 'This had nothing to do with
influence.' he said. In return for what was usually a 30 percent cut on
a contract, he explained, his firm provided services that included 'handling
all government relations, from A to Z.' ... Now, like every other grandson
of King Saud - they number in the several hundreds - the Prince receives
a monthly royal stipend of $15,000. ... He is proud of his charity ... 'It
is a religious duty as a man. And No. 2, it is my duty as a member of the
royal family.' Among his guests at lunch, a meal prepared by Lebanese chefs
and usually including eight main courses, are five impoverished and usually
elderly women selected each day from among those to whom he has given money
and in answer to personal appeals. Veiled, the women sit at a separate table
and are later visited by the Prince."P142 By virtue of being somewhat
of a success story among other degenerate princes, Prince Walid has time
and time again said that he is different than the others. In order to enhance
his own image he has had to acknowledge the rampant corruption of the other
princes where words like charity and honesty are nonexistent. He seems to
have a need to convince people of his virtues. It is curious when Prince
Talal mentions how he helps "impoverished" women of Riyahd. A
woman asked Ambassador Bandar's person, First Secretary Adel Jubair, during
a recent Saudi Arabian Washington symposium about the poverty she saw in
Saudi Arabia. Mr Jubair immediately said there was no such thing as poverty
in Saudi Arabia. He said she is completely wrong to think their are "impoverished"
people in Saudi Arabia. Either Prince Walid or Adel are misrepresenting
the truth.
London Times reports: "Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, 51-year-old photographer
who is suspected of recruiting young women to the prostitution network,
was charged with 'aggravated pimping'. ... The investigators allegedly found
a list of 89 young women, including 14 minors ... M Bourgeois is suspected
of luring young women into the call-girl-network, allegedly by claiming
that he was taking publicity photographs for a cosmetics company and with
the promise of minor film roles. A dozen of the women, many of whom were
penniless aspiring models or actresses from Northern and Eastern Europe
... M Bourgeois had the women pose for obscene photographs. The resulting
'album' was allegedly shown to wealthy clients, and meetings were then arranged
in Paris or on the Cote d'Azure. ... some of the women were recruited by
being persuaded that prostitution was the quickest route to a glamorous
job in films or modeling, but others were allegedly blackmailed with the
threat that the photographs taken by M Bourgeois would be sent to their
families if they did not co-operate. ... (It) may well have operated with
the covert blessing of the French secret services. ... Also on trial is
Hazih al Ladki, a Lebanese businessman who worked as a secretary to the
nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and is suspected of acting as a go-between
in negotiations. ... The alleged involvement of Gulf princes has made the
case politically sensitive because the Gulf oil states are important purchasers
of French military hardware."P143 We have seen this pattern of behavior
by Saudi princes in our prior issues. If their pattern follows the Saud
family princes involved wanted the youngest girls, the minors. Some of the
prior girls could have been abducted as sex slaves in the princely palaces.
We do not know if US Government secret services are involved in the US child
abductions by Saudis. There have been rumors. We have mentioned in prior
issues that it is believed part of the vital interest status package confidentially
negotiated between Ambassador Prince Bandar by President Bush.
Washington Post reports: "Ismail Selim Elbarasse, 51, an accountant
from Falls Church (Virginia), is in prison in New York for refusing to appear
before a grand jury investigating money-laundering. Agents are reviewing
the funds handled by Elbarasse, including bank accounts shared with Marzook.
Before he was jailed, Elbarasse worked as comptroller of the Islamic Saudi
Academy, a Saudi financed school under construction in Loudoun County (Virginia,
near Dulles Airport)."P144 We are on record for being in favor of an
Islamic Center in Loudoun County. We are not in favor of it being own by
any government, especially one controlled by Saudi princes. We did not expect
the Saudi princes to start their scandals in Loudoun before the compound
was constructed. We fear the worst for the Loudoun citizens, especially
the children who are desired by the Saudi princes. Dulles airport and awaiting
private princely planes are just minutes away from the Saudi Arabian Government
Houston Chronicle reports: "The operators of U.S. Videotel (5555
San Felipe #1200, Houston) - an electronic information service launched
in Texas that has been on financial life support for several years - are
pulling the plug. ... Since it was launched in 1987 in Houston and later
in Dallas-Fortworth, the U.S. Videotel Network has been bankrolled by a
private firm named Encode International. While company officials have kept
the identity on Encode's owner a secret, sources have told the Chronicle
it is controlled by a wealthy businessman named Said Ayas ... Encode sunk
an estimated $50 million into U.S. Videotel."P145 We do not
know why Said Ayas has to be secretive since his trail of business disasters
makes him very visible in the business community as well as the criminal

The Huntingdon on Kirby where Said Ayas has a condominium
overlooking the wealthy River Oaks section of Houston. Prince Faisal has
a palace just a few blocks down Kirby. Khalid Bin Mahfooz has a palace on
Willowick a few blocks in front, as displayed is Issue #11.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers