The Saudi family through the assistance of it's US private security firm
is using the Internet to entrap Saudi dissidents by sending them what seems
to the victim as a misdirected email pornographic web page solicitation.
Once the victim has been titillated and uses his credit to sign up for any
of the sites, he has opened himself up to the invasions of his privacy by
the private US security company hired by the Saudi Arabian government. At
such time his credit card number may be tracked in the future. By downloading
a certain pornographic site, the victim has also allowed the Saudi US security
firm the capability of entering his computer. Upon return to Saudi Arabia,
the credit card purchase of pornographic sites may be used to compromise
the victim at any time.
Washington Post reports: "Former hostage Terry Anderson filed a
$100 million lawsuit yesterday against the government of Iran ... 'they
have to take responsibility for what they have done. They can't simply go
on denying.' ... Their lawsuits were made possible by legislation Congress
passed three years ago that gives Americans who are victims of terrorist
acts abroad the right to sue foreign countries in U.S. courts if those countries
have been classified by the State Department as sponsors of terrorism."Q151
The Saudi Arabian Government has probably killed, tortured and
kidnapped more US citizens of late than any other country. Washington's
selective treatment of countries regarding human rights abuse exploits the
US citizen for money. As we have reported in past issues Ambassador Bandar
spreads unaccounted tens of millions around Washington every year. Some
of this money goes for deferred payments to State Department, Congressional
and White House officials when they retire, never mind the direct payments
to lobbyists. It is hypocritically reprehensible to think these Washington
men who go to their churches and synagogues each week to pray with their
families would during the week negotiate the human rights sale of US military
personnel and children to the Saud family.
London Times reports: "Over the space of three months, 25 of their
fellow children died in two orphanages, either as a result of criminal neglect
or, according to local MP's killed for their organs in the lucrative trade
in human body parts. ... The sophistication of Cairo's ghoulish black market
in body parts, particularly kidneys, was revealed in the paper Al Ittihad,
which disclosed that the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate is cracking down on
members involved in the macabre traffic. ... Under Egyptian law transplants
are forbidden from Egyptians to non-Egyptains, but to overcome this, one
princess from an oil-rich Arab country entered into a mock marriage contract
with her donor. ... In the name of my god Muhammad, please tell the world
that we are trying to do some good by these poor children [Egyptian woman
saving the children from the likes of the princess]."Q154 It is well
known that many Saud family princes and princess have physical problems
due to congenital problems and degenerate lifestyles. Because of the media
exposure of the Cairo body part black market, they as well as others suffering
from physical maladies, must look elsewhere for black market body parts.
The Saudi Arabian Government newsletter reports: "King Khalid National
Guard Hospital in Jeddeh holds a symposium on organ donation in collaboration
with the Saudi Organ Transplant Center."Q155 We do not know officially
how the black market in body parts is condoned by the Saudi Government.
We do know the harvesting of human body parts is complicated and requires
a sophisticated procedure. Each of the voluntary and involuntary donors
must have blood, biopsy cultures and other samplings analyzed and recorded
for a future recipient. When a donor/recipient compatibility is found, the
transplantation of the organ from the donor to, say, the mentioned princess
must take place as soon as possible with the most advanced technology available
to increase chances of acceptance. The Legislation and Prevention of Discrimination
Branch Centre for Human Rights, United Nations, Palais des Nations, Geneva
should be able to monitor such a black market since it is difficult to hide
such a technologically complicated procedure. We do not wish to comment
any further on this subject at this time.

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers