Often police in the European Union and United States use a Saudi prince
disguise when attempting to arrest drug dealers. The police use Saudi princes as a cover
because it is well known within international drug circles that Saudi princes
are some of the greatest consumers of illegal drugs. These Saudi princes
not only ingest these drugs themselves but use them on unsuspecting or naive
young Western girls and boys at prearranged parties, presumably to lower
their inhibitions for immediate sex or to kidnap them.
London Times reports: "A former star of the television series London's Burning was secretly
filmed supplying drugs to a bogus Arabian royal during an 'elaborate' charade
to expose him as an alleged drug dealer... the News of the World's investigative
editor ... had allegedly been tipped off that he was supplying drugs at
Several weeks later the same sheik/prince scam
was used to ensnare an earl. The London Times reports: "The 10th Earl
of Hardwicke was said to have snorted cocaine, drunk champagne and boasted
of the availability of drugs as he entertained a bogus Arab sheik in a suite
at the Savoy Hotel in London. In order to impress the "sheik"
and his partner, who was posing as an Arab businessman, the earl took both
of them on a guided tour of the House of Lords. At one stage at the Savoy,
Blackfriars Crown Court was told yesterday, the earl, charged under the
name of Joseph Hardwicke, said: "Come on, bring on the charlie. I want a
big fat line. I am going to have the biggest line I have had in my life
and then be sick."

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Online Resources:
- Inhuman Rights
Saudi Sites:
- Saudi Embassy
- Sports in Arabia
- Arab Net
Misc. Sites:
- Arabia Online
- Arabic Newspapers